Sisterlocks – healthy eating for hair health and growth

Whether you’re vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, or eat anything, I hope that you’ll find this post useful – and that you’ll enjoy finding out about some of my favourite plant-based) food for hair health and growth.

Healthy Foods

Sweet peppers

Rich source of vitamins aid hair growth. Yellow peppers more vitamin C than an orange. Vitamin C aids collagen production which in turn strengthens strands.  Red peppers are a source of beta carotene, which converts to vitamin A in the body and stimulates the production of sebum, which keeps hair healthy.

Sweet potatoes

Great source of beta carotene – which in the body is converted into vitamin A.  Vitamin A promotes the production of sebum, which keeps hair healthy and – speeds up the rate of hair growth and encourages the growth of thicker hair.  Also contains high levels of biotin – the B complex family of vitamins – stimulates hair growth and thickens the hair.


Rich in potassium, vitamin C and manganese – manganese protects against thinning hair.  High in dietary fibre and also contains Omega-3 fatty acids.  Improves the production of sebum.  Promotes hair growth as it contains sulphur – strengthens and aids hair growth, and silicon which reduces hair fall.

Pumpkin seeds

Vitamin E, zinc and selenium. Great for muscle health and to improve sleep.  Anything that improves sleep is a positive aid to hair growth.  By encouraging hair growth and preventing hair follicles from entering the resting phase, which can result from sleep deprivation and stress – and hair loss.


Great source of vitamin E which promotes hair growth and contain good fat – essential fatty acids.  A lack of essential fatty acids has been linked to hair loss.


Great for a healthy scalp as well as healthy hair.  Source of vitamins C and K.  Vitamin K supports the maintenance of strong bones and improves bone density – studies have shown that there is a link between osteoporosis and low intake of vitamin K. Kale is also a source of beta carotene – which the body converts into vitamin A.

More healthy foods I eat


Rich in proteins and essential nutrients.


High in fibre, magnesium and B vitamins, to name a few.


Good source of biotin – to protect against hair loss.

Chia seeds

Excellent plant-based source of protein – crucial for hair growth – insufficient protein can lead to slow hair growth and hair loss.

Recipe ideas and ingredients

Here are a few of my favourite recipes for hair health and growth – along with the ingredients, in case you wanted to try them for yourself.

Although I haven’t listed them, I’ve used spices to add flavour and interest:

Watch my favourite recipes and ingredients on YouTube.

Chickpea salad – lunch



Sweet potatoes

Salad leaves


Red and yellow peppers


Pumpkin seeds

Green juice – breakfast drink


Fresh parsley




Buffalo wings in brown pitta – dinner


Red cabbage



Spring onion

Fresh coriander


Brown pitta bread

Siracha sauce

Barbecue sauce

I’d love to know which foods you like to eat for hair health and growth, or whether you try out any of the above recipe ideas.